Just Pray Stephe Powell One evening, he overhears his young son saying his Bedtime Prayers: "God bless Mommy, God Bless Daddy, God Bless Grandma, God Bless Grandpa, Goodbye Uncle Ed." "Goodbye Uncle Ed?", he thought, "What could he have meant by that?" Well, the next day, they got a phone call; seems old Uncle Ed up and took a heart attack. Killed him deader than hell. "Hmm... " thought the father, "How about that?" A few months later, he overhears his son praying again: "God bless Mommy, God bless Daddy, God bless Grandma, Goodbye Grandpa." Sure enough, the next day Grandpa was crossing the street when he got hit by a bus. Never knew what hit him. "Well," said our hero, "This kid's got two out of two." A few weeks later he hears the lad a third time: "God bless Mommy, God bless Grandma, Goodbye Daddy." Boy, is he alarmed! "Oh my God! This is it! I'm finished ! It is the end of the line! The fat lady has sung! It's all over!" So he went to bed that night, but didn't sleep too well. The next morning he looks out the window and sees the sun coming up on a beautiful day and says "It's my last Dawn! Ah, what the Hell, might as well go out in a blaze of glory." He hops in his car, tears down the street at 90 miles per hour, running over a motorcycle cop along the way. He goes into his office, empties all his desk drawers on the floor, throws papers everywhere, goes in and tells his boss exactly what he thinks of him, and pinches the secretary's bum as he walks out the door. Then he goes down to the pub, orders a round for the house, and procedes to get schnockered. Well, three o'clock in the afternoon rolls around, and he is still there. At four o'clock he orders another drink and waits. At five o'clock he starts to panic. "What am I going to do? I'm in trouble with the cops, I don't have a job, and I've got this $1000 bar tab. Let's hurry up and get this over with!" Finally at six o'clock, he gets in his car and slowly drives home. He goes into his house and plops himself down on the couch. His wife walks in, and he says "Darling, I had a really bad day." His wife says "You think YOU had a bad day? I went outside this morning and there was the postman, dead on the doorstep !" END ===